Monday, October 24, 2016

The Resentment Prayer

          While assembling my 4th step resentment list I found that the best way to cope with the resentments was to first pray for and forgive those that were on my list.  In the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous in the chapter "How It Works" it states, "...we realize that the people who had wronged us were perhaps spiritually sick.  Though we did not like their symptoms and the way they disturbed us they, like ourselves, were sick too.  We ask God to help us grant  them the same tolerance, pity and patience we would grant a sick friend.  When a person offended we said to ourselves, 'Perhaps this is a sick person, how can I be helpful to them? God save me from being angry, Thy will be done.' God will show us how to take a kind and tolerant view of each and everyone."  As I drew closer to God this began to happen naturally, as it can as well for you.

         As an alcoholic I do find that resentment is the number one malfeasance to a serene and peaceful life. If we are to have a clear state of consciousness that is free of conflict; if we are to lead an addiction-free life - a life in which resentment doesn't cause such conflict in our mind then manifest in our behavior - then we must let go of all of our human resentments.  There is often no way possible to do this without the aid of the Highest Power.

Written by Armand
Edited by Caitlin Alexandra


  1. In many ways, resentments are the ultimate test of spiritual progress for me. The active practice of immediately praying for some one or thing that is festering within me has the effect of elevating me to my higher nature which is where I must live. After many years in AA, I know the difference between a stressful and a stress-free day. As a program friend always asked when spiritual stress was prevalent in my thinking, "in whose will are we living?"
    The result is always the same when the answer is "mine." Stress, resentment, suffering of some sort. Living in His Will has become possible by following the path which is highlighted in How It Works and explained precisely in The Big Book. For me, that path has led inside me, down deep which is where I found The Power Within and where all things became possible. Including living without the weight of my own defective thinking which always creates self-will and behavior which is spiritually misguided and results in pain. Where I live determines how I live. Simple but not easy with peace of mind as the prize.

    1. Michael love that "where I live determines how I live." When we live in the will of God the love of God is manifested in our behavior. Part of that manifestation is not harboring or displaying anger and resentment to those who offend our human nature...Thank you so much...Armand
