Monday, October 10, 2016

Am I Entirely Ready?

          The Sixth Step of Alcoholics Anonymous is, "Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character." The original draft of the Big Book used the word "willing" instead of the words "entirely ready".  I found it helpful to incorporate both into my Sixth Step so that I had the willingness to be entirely ready.
          As an alcoholic, giving up control is awkward and strenuous - I would rather apply some sort of cognitive therapy or behavioral modification to control my defects.  But those methods are like applying band-aids to a festering infection, they don't do anything.  Control of defects is not the snag, but rather that our human defects are not to exist in our behavior, as it is our defects that are keeping us from the perfection that God seeks in us.  God seeks for us to be the human being that He created us to be, thereby able to maximize our human potential.
          When we are in the will of God our human character defects, which exist only in our human nature, cannot possibly manifest themselves in our behavior.
          Yes, I am willing to be entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character.

Written by Armand
Edited by Caitlin Alexandra


  1. The last thing my human nature wants to do is to conform - to anything or anyone. Prodded by the relentless drumbeat of my own will, my nature is conditioned to plow through life with minimum restraint and maximum impatience. My nature is always loaded for bear but cannot help from setting bear traps in critical areas of decision-making and emotions. The Sixth Step is an exercise in letting go of myself completely because I am essentially and completely defective.whenever my instincts are unfulfilled, which is almost always. Thus, as you clearly point out, I cannot live in my own will but must acquiesce to The Power Within me in all ways, essentially and completely. I must be moved from a self-conscious existence to a dependence on The Power Within me and within all of us. By doing so, my life begins to shine. This transformation is only possible by incorporating all Twelve Steps into my life until they become my life. The life I have always wanted and can now have.

  2. Michael love the line and how true"my nature is conditioned to plow through life with minimum restraint and maximum impatience. It is in the letting go of self (thought process propelled by my instincts) and surrendering that process to the grace of God that my human character defects are not manifested in my behavior...Thank you...Armand
