Thursday, October 4, 2018

Am I Entirely Ready

The Sixth Step of Alcoholics Anonymous is, "Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character".  The original draft of the Big Book used the word "willing" instead of the words "entirely ready".  I found it helpful to incorporate both into my Sixth Step, so that I had the willingness to be entirely ready.
           As an alcoholic, giving up control is awkward and strenuous - I would rather apply some sort of cognitive therapy or behavioral modification to control my defects.  But practicing that method is like applying a band-aid to a festering infection, it does nothing.  Control of defects is not the snag, but rather that our human defects are not to exist in our behavior, as it is our defects that are keeping us from the perfection that God seeks in us.  God seeks for us to be the human being that He created us to be, thereby able to maximize our human potential.
           When we are in the will of God our human character defects, which exist only in our human nature, cannot possibly manifest themselves in our behavior.
           Yes, I am willing to be entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character

Written By Armand


  1. No doubt that I was entirely willing to have my character defects removed. The larger question was: was I willing to do the work to become entirely ready. Would my willingness become readiness? In being guided through the program of recovery as it is delineated in The Big Book, I learned that I could live a higher life - in the most absolutes sense. I could live a life modeled on and directed to perfection. The Sixth Step clearly spells this out. To my understanding, that meant that I could return to my original state without the fear, pride, and incompleteness of my human limitations. That state-of-being is both transcendent and transformative. And for me, it is the essence of re-covering who I was and becoming who I am - a return to the person I was born to be. It is my deeper understanding and my experience that there is only one process that leads to this new recognition of self-rediscovery. And that is to walk on the path that leads to the integration of all of The Steps into my life in such a way that my life returns to its original state. As you point out, in that truth my character defects cannot and will not manifest themselves in my behavior. I will get to know and love myself. And then freely give myself away.

    1. Michael surrender means a loss of control which can only occur when there is belief that God will bring us to a life of love, joy and peace...Thank you...Armand

  2. Armand,

    In Step 5 we have admitted to God that our complete 'bucket list", both checked and unchecked, good and bad was ultimately inspired by a reprobate mind totally immersed in insatiable appetites. Step 6 isn't so much an action that we perform but an out growth and witness to the deep and unspeakable change that has occurred in our heart, mind and spirit during the ongoing revelation of God's presence, mercy and love. The obsession is gone, the prison doors have been opened. Step 6 confirms our abandoned plans as we continue the ongoing surrender of our will and our lives to the One who has all power.

    And, as said in a previous post, "We discover that the heretofore insurmountable and mysterious wall that once concealed the "Simple" in the Program of AA has been removed, completely swept away by the unseen Hand of God who created us to experience this very moment and in Step 7 many more yet to be discovered." Although sometimes hard and demanding, it is altogether a life of joy, freedom and peace that only God has, and could have designed.

    A Gratefully Recovering Alcoholic

    1. A Gratefully Recovering Alcoholic love when you wrote "Step 6 confirms our abandoned plans as we continue the ongoing surrender of our will and our lives to the One who has all power."...Thank you...Armand

  3. The words "entirely ready" is one of those unsuspecting absolutes the Big Book slips into our language that can I can easily overlook when working the program. I believe most people, and I'm not suggesting everyone, rush through this step to get to one of the big steps, Step 7. "Entirely ready" requires preparation. I was "entirely ready" to marry my wife. That commitment came from a lot of thought, trust and development of a relationship with my wife. Did I do the same with myself and another person before I asked the Creator of the universe to take those defects out of my life. Did I share and exhaust everything from my 4th step to my sponsor. Do I really want to get rid of my character defects, even the ones I kinda enjoy from time to time, like the "white lies" to puff up my ego or resentments of certain people I which I take comfort in being victimized. Did I pray and meditate on this step to listen to the Holy Spirit for anything I might of missed? The Big Book is clear by laying out the conditions that must be satisfied before I can move to the 7th Step.

    1. Jim approaching this step in such a thoughtful way is something we all should learn...Thanks...Armand

  4. I have the willingness to be entirely ready. I surrender. I am at a place where I need and want God to remove my defects of character. I cannot change on my own and need God’s power and strength. God, help me to be willinging to let go of what I still cling to and can’t change. Enable me to find serenity and trust.
