Monday, April 4, 2016

The Healing of Fear

       Thereafter having admitted that I was alcoholic I soon found out that alcohol in and of itself was not my problem, but was the manifestation of my problem.  The true problem was self-centered fear - afraid that I was not going to get what I want and afraid that I was going to lose what I had.
           In the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous it says, "When dealing with the fear problem, or any other problem, perhaps there is a better way as we are now on a different basis, the basis of trusting and relying upon God. We trust infinite God rather than finite self. We are in the world to play the role God assigns.  Just to the extent we do as we think God would have us do and humbly rely on God, does God enable us to match calamity with serenity. We never apologize to anyone for depending on our creator. We can laugh at those who think spirituality is the way of weakness. The verdict of the ages is that faith means courage. All possessors of faith have courage. They trust their God. We let God demonstrate through us what God can do. We ask God to remove our fear and direct our attention to what we should be doing.  At once, we commence to outgrow fear."
          The integration of the Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous into our lives leads to a personal relationship with God. Prior to that occurring, fear haunted all of our being, was in all of our moments, driving all of our decisions in an attempt to satiate our instincts. We were afraid that we were not going to get what we wanted and afraid that we were going to lose what we had.  Today, in this moment, that can change. That will change for all of us if we are in alignment with God's will for us. We will then know a peace we have never before experienced.

Written by Armand
Edited by Caitlin Alexandra


  1. In its briefest form, I exchanged fear for trust. This was not an overnight matter, and it didn't come as the result of my thinking or my self-will. The opposite is what occurred for me. The more I relied on The Twelve Steps, the closer I came to a personal relationship with The Power Within. Gradually then suddenly, something of great moment began to occur; my spirit began to awaken abating my fear which is no match for my enlivened spirit. As I began to reach out and share my recovery with other sufferers, my fears further diminished, and my spirit grew more quietly present within. Fear deprived me of peace of mind and real happiness. Trust has restored me to The Truth.

  2. Newly sober 3 people in a week suggested I begin prayer and meditation with book "Art of Meditation" by Joel Goldsmith. It seemed wise counsel was speaking. Along with 1 hour daily prayer and meditation, working steps, sponsorship and lots of AA meetings the courage to take action emerged contrary to fears false mandates. A saying you heard a lot then "fear faced ia fear erased" proved true as 12 step action became part of a new approach to life. A 26 page book "Prayer and Meditation" by Joel Goldsmith preface includes following two quotes "Unless the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it." Psalm 127 "Illumination dissolves material ties and binds men together with the golden chains of spiritual understanding; it acknowledges only Leadership of the Christ; it has no ritual or rule but divine, impersonal universal Love; no other worship than the inner Flame that is ever lit at the shrine of Spirit. This Union is the free state of spiritual brotherhood. The only restraint is discipline of the Soul; therefore we know Liberty without license; we are a united universe without physical limits; a divine service to God without ceremony or creed. The illumined walk without fear - by Grace."

    1. Spiritual Being alcohol is but a symptom of out true malady. Our true malady is self centered fear. AA proposes that the solution for that is a "vital spiritual experience" in that we must give life to our relationship with God. We do that by manifesting the will of God through the surrender of self. This awareness of God in the present is conditioned by prayer and meditation...Thank you...Armand

  3. Michael a reliance and dependence on god in every area of our life brings us to a place where we become the human being God created us to be. Inspired by His thoughts, trusting in Him and manifesting His love in our behavior. There we will not manifest fear...Thank you...Armand

  4. The 11th step and all the steps help create gaps in ego (edging God out = ego). Fear (false evidence appearing real or "f" everything and run) was hard wired into my thinking partially from traumas of generational alcoholism (grandparents, parent, siblings, relatives). Saying I am "fine" often might be acting as if and positive, as all is well in God's universe and living care. But the frightened, insecure, neurotic, and egotistical reaction of injured parts must be acknowledged in loving compassionate manner. This takes time and working all the steps to come into conscious contact with God. "Thou will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Thee." "IBe still and know that I am God." "In quietness and confidence shall be thy strength."

  5. Spiritual Being Thank you so much for sharing your experience. A surrender of our thought process propelled by our human instinct to a thought process propelled by the will of God brings us to a state of peace...Thank you Armand

  6. Yes, Armond. So true. It's a process and an inside job whereby peace ushers in spiritual prosperity.
