Thursday, March 24, 2016

Power Of Prayer And Meditation

The Eleventh Step is the lifeline for the alcoholic.  "Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood Him, praying only for the knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry it out."  Prayer and meditation were not something I initially incorporated into my practices of the program of Alcoholics Anonymous.  Why?  I don't really know.  The only answer that I can come up with is that at some level I was still defiant, egotistical and lacked the humility necessary to pray and meditate daily.  I was talking the talk but not walking the walk.  I had worked the previous steps well and certainly to the best of my ability.  I was excited by the program of AA and all the promise it held for me but I have learned through experience that the human nature is a strong foe, unwilling to pray and meditate daily to improve on a conscious contact with God.  I had taken many people through the Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous.   I had read the first 164 pages of the Big Book hundreds of times and attended so many meetings that I can't begin to guess how many.  But prayer and meditation at the level necessary to perceive and do God's will, well that was not in my thoughts and therefore, not on my agenda.
                  Then one day, after a decade of sobriety, I came home from the gym and stepped out of the car experiencing such sever pain that I fell to the ground.  I was unable to move for what seemed like such a long time but in reality was only a minute or so.  I had suffered from back problems most of my adult life but I had never experienced such severe pain.  The subsequent M.R.I. disclosed seven herniated discs, an arthritic spine, spinal stenosis, degenerative vertebrae and a degenerated left hip.  This left me unable to function.  I spent the next twelve months of my life incapacitated, ten months of which I was unable to sit as I had to stand or lay.  The medical community offered me a solution of surgery with a 15% chance of some improvement, heavy blood loss and five to six hours on the operating table.  The surgeon said that the surgery was so difficult that he would only encourage it if I could no longer tolerate the pain.
                 I was directed to a kind and loving doctor who has the ability to identify emotional blocks that prevent healing.  After some months of treatment and with some improvement he said to me as I was lying on the table, "I am picking up energy of a resentful nature."  As soon as he said this I instantly and clearly identified my mom, my dad, and my sister - all of whom I had made amends to and prayed to forgive but at some level deep down inside the cells of my body I was unable to bring about the healing needed to release this resentful energy.
                When I returned home I immediately began to pray and meditate and did so on a daily basis as I was unable to function, in severe pain and incapable of complete forgiveness for my family.  After several days I experienced a forgiveness for my family emanating from deep within.  This experience of forgiveness, through the grace of God,  was brought about by the daily practice of prayer and meditation.  On the 14th of June in the year 2001, while meditating, I knew for the first time in my life that my life was worth something.  I had never had that feeling before.  At the age of 54, after 11 years of sobriety, I had self esteem.  My prayer for you is that if you haven't already you will incorporate daily prayer and meditation into your life.


  1. I was advised early on that conscious contact meant "in this moment we are one." Both prayer and meditation enable that spiritual inculcation to occur within me. Meditation, to me, is a daily visit to my soul with The Power Within me. It is our time together; the affirmation of The Presence, the quiet of The Wholeness. Prayer is the spoken or unspoken Truth of me with myself and with my fellow travelers. The greatest human AA example of the effect of prayer observed that if we pray "long and right enough," we can actually become a prayer - the highest state of our being. The road to The Power found in the Eleventh Step was paved for me me by the prior Ten Steps. Alcoholism was the symptom but I by myself was the disease. I suffered from the unawakened, unwhole, limited version of me. Alcohol simply enabled me to live with and in that emptiness until the pain of my self-centered nothingness brought me to AA. And to the opening of a loving and living personal relationship with The Power Within me enabled through daily prayer and meditation.

  2. Michael Prayer and meditation practiced daily allows us to connect with God thereby having the ability to live in peace in this day, this hour, this minute, this moment...Thank you...Armand

  3. This Comment Is From A Gratefully Recovering Alcoholic
    In this modern and technological age, with it's confusing clatter of human pedagogy, situational ethics and moral relativism, there is yet a timeless and eternal call still being proclaimed by the Creator and Sustainer of all:

    "Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me"...

    When we became even the least bit willing to answer that call we soon discover that the 12 Steps of AA are in the order they are for a reason and Step 11 is no exception. Every step is recorded in the past perfect tense forming the collective testimony of each personal yet unified journey on this divinely inspired road less traveled with a simple clarity seldom encountered in secular writings. There is no me as the focus proclaimed. There is solely Himself, as the ultimate destination named, who can only be experienced when all other forms of mere human ingenuity are abandoned and surrendered to a fervently desired Person who is the only Faithful and True Author of Life.

    The Steps, in their entirety, bear unimpeachable witness through a collective personal testimony to God's never ending outreach of grace to anyone who is willing to surrender and embrace the immutable truth of His Word and manifests the undeniable Presence of His Person the moment we make a decision to turn our will and our lives over to His care. It is He that is the source of an ever increasing desire to understand Him and His ultimate reason for His creation.

    It is He, who sweeps away the carnage of our past and our morbid dread of the future. It is He, who authors the Fruit of the Spirit as a never ending manifestation of the divinely desired relationship that, once barred from within, is now free to inspire our every consciousness moment. It is He, who provides the grace to yield ourselves to Him as our old desires are systematically swept away and it is He, who lovingly compels us to inwardly nurture and surrender to this ongoing and ever broadening relationship with the Creator, Sustainer and Lover of our souls.

    Just as the 11th step bears witness that God Himself is the instigation and inspiration of our growing desire to commune with and please Him, Step 12 testifies that this once desperately lived life begins to bear the unmistakable witness of Gods presence and purpose through the Holy Spirit who now resides within to reveal Jesus, drawing those still suffering from the insatiable, desperate loneliness of a life without hope to true freedom. Yes, although we live In a world gone mad be of good cheer; for the Alpha and Omega, the only True Source of eternal peace, joy and hope still proclaims:

    "Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me" - Revelation 3:20 -

    A Grateful Recovering Alcoholic

    1. A Grateful Recovering Alcoholic A conscious contact is a personal relationship with God in this moment. An awareness and trust in the present in which we don't look back in regret or forward in fear but live right here...Thank you...Armand
