Monday, August 3, 2015

Discovery Through Inventory

           My experience has taught me the value of the daily inventory and all that can be discovered and transformed as we move away from the instincts of our human nature and progress into the world of the spirit.  I have realized there is no need to wait until the end of the day, as I can address the manifestation of my defects as they occur.  The Step Book of Alcoholics Anonymous says "there is the spot check inventory taken at any time of the day that we find ourselves getting tangled up."  I find the spot check inventory to be invaluable.  It may be as simple as identifying unkind thoughts that I may have of people who are not like me in appearance or beliefs, so that I can identify this and deal with it as it is happening and not have to wait until the end of the day to address it.
                When we have completed the first nine steps of the program of Alcoholics Anonymous we have extricated ourselves from the past as we our free of the shame and guilt we carried for years.  By implementing the daily inventory and then eventually moving into the spot check inventory, we can now deal with the manifestation of our character defects as they occur in the present so that in this moment and at this time we are free of the instincts of our human nature and one with God
                We have dealt with and released our past and now we are free of the bondage of self and at peace in the will of God.  DISCOVERY THROUGH INVENTORY is a tool of recovery available so as not to create another unpleasant past that is carried with us into the present.    


  1. I love the title of this post - Discovery Through Inventory. I believe that thorough self-examination is an inherently spiritual act. That by going deep inside me I have the opportunity to meet The Power Within me and to develop the Relationship which supersedes and enables all other relationships, including the one with myself. Inventory is no longer a recitation of my "sins," and a quick "I'm sorry, I'll do better." That is the way I was taught and that "quick fix" approach meant nothing to me. I viewed it as a self-ruse. By learning and incorporating The Twelve Steps into my life, I've been blessed with a fuller understanding of me and the value of what lives deep within me. The Tenth Step, specifically, prompts a pause in my daily activity. That pause leads to the reflective me, the real me, and to The Power Within me. Over time, this process has become less of a tool and more a way of living my life. In peace.

    1. Michael Self examination is an exercise in humility as one is willing to face the truth about ones behavior and willing to reconcile that behavior with another if necessary. The very act of inventory and reconciliation opens the door to the grace of God as one is humbled to the will of God..Thank you...Armand

  2. I am an expert at taking inventory on myself after the defects have made their mark, after harm has been done and the guilt settles in. Just recently I let all my emotions take the helm and the ship crashed into its own fleet - chaos and heartache rose to the surface and only evaporated like a poison would. The damage had been done. Those I hurt had not seen it coming and the attack was performed thoughtlessly on my part. so many of my human tendencies are. My nature is a blackened, sickened, desperate one in need of a reckoning only the Spirit of the kingdom beyond can offer. I have made a decision to turn my will and my life over to the care of the King of that realm and all others and in doing so pray for the power to carry out such a will. I may know through prayer and inspired guidance what that will is yet haven't let go enough to carry it out. Taking a continuous inventory of my character and behavior requires an open aura. The power to access such a thing must be pulled from beyond and to do so I must pray and pray more. I want the human nature that lies within me to accept dormancy, knowing all is Right in doing so. It is only when I am free from the hostage of my mind that I will make my spirit and love accessible to others.

  3. Caitlin Know that the power to heal lies within you. This power within you is awakened by incorporating the program of Alcoholics Anonymous into your life in such a way that it becomes your life. It is true that the mind and body act in concert and that an Alcoholic caught in the illness is one whose human instinct is propelling their thought process and thereby triggering the true malady, self - centered fear. The transformation that must occur for an alcoholic is that their thought process is no longer propelled by their human instinct but rather by the will of God. In the will of God you will not manifest your defects in your behavior. This is how an alcoholic is "free from the hostage of my mind."...Thank you so much...Armand
