Monday, August 24, 2015

Another Way To Look At Step Ten

         I like to think of the Tenth Step of the AA program as a hallway - a hallway that I must walk down in order to come into the room in which I can live with God. This hallway needs daily repair as the ceiling is leaking, there are holes in the walls and the floor is buckled. Fortunately, the program of Alcoholics Anonymous has given us an instructional manual so that we can pass through, although we may be encumbered at first.
         Another way to look at this is as if God is the light and my human defects are a clouded glass which no light can shine through.  As I begin to incorporate the program of AA into my life and begin to develop a relationship with God, some of the glass clears and some of the light shines through.  As I continue to incorporate the Twelve Steps into my life, the glass clears even more and even more of the light shines through.  Finally, the day arrives when the glass is transparent and all of the light shines through and it is in this moment that I am one with God and free of the manifestation of my character defects.
          Incorporate the Tenth Step into your daily existence and, eventually, into all your waking moments. We must be persistent. Persistence is the time between the promise of God and the provision of God. Thereafter, a life free of anxiety, fear and resentment can be experienced; cloaked in harmony, peace and serenity.

Written by Armand
Edited by Caitlin Alexandra


  1. Your comment on The Light emerging from the hall of clouded glass is especially evocative as I recount my own personal journey in AA. When engaged in The Twelve Steps and when they are incorporated into my life, not only does the light shine in, the light also shines out. Light meets Light expresses the magnificent singularity of my deepest feelings as The Power Within guides each day.through The Tenth Step. The Big Book calls it God consciousness - the awareness that there is a way to live and to grow in understanding and effectiveness. And that The Great Power is already within me and always has been - which explains so much. As far as I know, this is what's meant by the "realm of the spirit." No longer is the goal dependent on How I want to live but on Where I must live.

    1. Michael if the goal of an alcoholic is to grow "in understanding and effectiveness" than that can only happen for an alcoholic if they are surrendering their will and seeking to and or living in the will of God. The Tenth Step is inherent in this process and needs to become part of the working part of the mind infused by the grace of God...Thank you so much, really good stuff...Armand

  2. The Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous declares,"Love and tolerance of others is our code." When my mind is drawn to the light of the world beyond my addictions it is warmed with what I believe is God's flame of everlasting love. My defects, my fears, my selfishness all dim the flame when I, as a sickened human being, allow them into my existence and, especially, when I allow others to feel their wrath. If I am NOT following the suggested code than I AM being unloving and intolerant, even if passively. I am an expert at not following rules and abiding codes, which makes following them not as much more difficult but more CRUCIAL than those who don't suffer from this disease. Not being able to control the instinctive need for more - of all things, people, feelings - sorts me in a basket apart from those who do not suffer from the excessive internally driven desires this disease provisions. To consistently and persistently check myself day and night and SET RIGHT that which I have set off balance or that which I have done wrong keeps the dimmer out of reach. The flame can take out rehashings, resentments, impatience, anger and even negative behaviors I may not know I bestow as long as I turn towards it without my will in the way. If I am warmed by such a light, it is possible that warmth can be spread.

    1. Caitlin Thank you so much for sharing your experience with your character defects and the positive result of daily inventory. Just loved "Not being able to control the excessive need for more - of all things, people, feelings - sorts me in a basket apart from those who do not suffer from the excessive internally driven desires this disease provisions." Know well Caitlin, that your thought process cannot be propelled by your human instinct but rather by the will of God. Surrender your nature and live in the solution, a vital spiritual experience and you will not nor are you capable of manifesting your defects in your behavior. Thank You...Armand
