Monday, August 10, 2015

An Awakened Life

       We admitted complete defeat; we put our absolute trust in God; we made a decision for our thought process to be propelled by the will of God and not by our human intellect; we asked God to remove anything and everything objectionable from us; we made our amends; we learned through the program of Alcoholics Anonymous and through our life experiences that we must pray and meditate daily. Now, through the grace of God, we are living in this moment in His will and are the very living example of the power of the program of AA. This has and will occur for all of us in whom the Spirit has been awakened. Once the Spirit has been awakened we are then given the power to help others, not only through our words but more importantly, through our behavior. We are acutely aware that in our quest to help others we cannot possibly give away that which we don't have.
       As a result of integrating into our lives the program of Alcoholics Anonymous, we are given the power to help others. It is a wondrous event to see others live AN AWAKENED LIFE. We experience a fulfillment in our own lives as we watch them recover into loving and giving human beings.


  1. There is no question that despite the fact that I was alive in body, my spirit was dead. And, of course, I didn't know it, much less know its cause. So I turned to alcohol which I never liked and which I always knew was injurious. But I had to drink and I did - recklessly, compulsively, regardless of consequence or of broken hearts everywhere. One day in desperation I asked "whoever was out there" for please help me. I have never had a drink since that day. I have been a "meeting maker" for almost four decades. But it was not until I learned and incorporated The Twelve Steps into my daily life that I found The Power Within me Who awakened me to the life I now live and love. I am now able to give my life to others in some way each and every day. I am motivated and inspired through a personal relationship with The Power of all Powers who has always been with me. And in whose presence I am fully alive and awakened. I have found what I was looking for. In this moment, one day at a time.

    1. Michael thank you for sharing your experience with the disease of Alcoholism and the solution to your disease, the Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous...Well said my friend...Armand

  2. The Will of God has nothing but Love for me. When I brought myself to my knees through my continued alcoholic defiant self.
    Self willed, driven by such a twisted up EGO , thoughts of what was right or wrong stormed through my mind like a tornado. I saw myself mentally ill ! My consciousness revealed my mind !
    All the things that I knew to be right in life was recognized by my concious awareness but, in my unconscious mind the paradime told me the opposite . Through all His Glory being revealed to me
    Through the suffering sustained in my life , I had become grateful to all of it ! To now be able to see is the blessing and grace start to untwist the realities and the fantasies deep in the concious and unconscious . God is everything or nothing . Peace and Love To All !

    1. Don As I said in the blog "it is a wondrous thing to see others live An Awakened Life" and that is certainly true for you. Great to have you comment again...Thank you...Armand

  3. Having only experienced being around those "awakened", and not being quite "awakened" myself, it has been a form of inspiration which drills my alarm of awareness. How each of us feels the moments between deep sleep and entirely awake differently, so are the steps from 1 through 12 uniquely undertaken. When I lay with my eyes closed, still struggling for the safety of my dreams, I sidle into consciousness admitting I must face the day...for me that is the first three steps of the program. To plow past the barrier, to open my eyes to the Real Answer, takes making a connection with the spiritual plane. I haven't trained myself yet, because the power of prayer and meditation has only just begun to enter my life, to remain on the plane. The existence of those already on it who influence my life deeply and with profound affection give me hope. Hope is what I need to secure my faith that I will prevail with the program and that I will come to be one with them and Him on such a magnificently higher plane of truth. He is the power that resides within my soul with an urgency to turn everything over, to open my eyes, to leave behind the pseudo-security of my dreams and awaken so that Life may be revealed to me, and in turn I may teach others with quiet conviction what has been revealed.

    1. Caitlin when the Spirit is awakened in an alcoholic, life is seen with a new set of eyes. Contingent upon their relationship with God in the moment, not only does an alcoholic who could not not drink, doesn't but that same alcoholic who only cared about satiating their own desires is not only willing but compelled to help others. Ain't it somethin. Love the idea of moving from sleep to consciousness in relation to the Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous..Thank you...Armand
