Monday, February 2, 2015

Discovery Through Inventory

                            My experience has taught me the value of the daily inventory and all that can be discovered and transformed as we move away from the instincts of our human nature and progress into the world of the spirit.  I have realized there is no need to wait until the end of the day, as I can address the manifestation of my defects as they occur.  The Step Book of Alcoholics Anonymous says "there is the spot check inventory taken at any time of the day that we find ourselves getting tangled up."  I find the spot check inventory to be invaluable.  It may be as simple as identifying unkind thoughts that I may have of people who are not like me in appearance or beliefs, so that I can identify this and deal with it as it is happening and not have to wait until the end of the day to address it.
                When we have completed the first nine steps of the program of Alcoholics Anonymous we have extricated ourselves from the past as we our free of the shame and guilt we carried for years.  By implementing the daily inventory and then eventually moving into the spot check inventory, we can now deal with the manifestation of our character defects as they occur in the present so that in this moment and at this time we are free of the instincts of our human nature and one with God
                We have dealt with and released our past and now we are free of the bondage of self and at peace in the will of God.  DISCOVERY THROUGH INVENTORY is a tool of recovery available so as not to create another unpleasant past that is carried with us into the present.    


  1. It seems that when I reflect on the 10th step of Alcoholics Anonymous , the 11th step must be included. Due to the relation of the effect that the 11th has on the 10th.! Prayer & meditation disciplines us in a way that allows our concentration to improve. It also calms the central nervous system, we are no longer alarmed in our human nature. Now life takes on a calmer nature, the nature of our Spirit . A Godly mindset nature. We now may use our minds in the way God intended us to. We now can use our minds to spot check our behaviors as you had mentioned on a constant basis. The more we improve our conscious contact with God the more He improves our consciousness of the 10th step of Alcoholics Anonymous, He will automate this step for us !

  2. Don inventory is crucial to be able to live in the present with the Lord and allowing us not to drag our past forward. loved when you said 'we are no longer alarmed in our human nature." Your comment was helpful...Thanks...Armand

  3. The powerful pull of my human nature was relentless in its command over my thinking and subsequent actions, therefore, my life. At best, I had to fight for moments of clarity or certainty, and there were few. Alcohol seemed like an overt answer but it quickly became a covert bedevilment. Finally in AA, I found the steppingstones to The Power I wanted, and those steppingstones were formed and formulated by The Twelve Steps. The Steps took me directly to The Power Within me and fortified my life for the first and only time. On a daily basis, by incorporating The Tenth Step into the adventures of me, I can get out of my own way and into the hands of The True Leader and Lover of me. That is peace!

  4. Michael the daily inventory is crucial to remaining in the present - safe and serene. Loved the line "alcohol seemed like an overt answer but it quickly became a covert bedevilment."...Thank you...Armand
