Thursday, November 27, 2014

Unique Disease

                Alcoholism is a UNIQUE DISEASE in that it is two fold.  We have a physical allergy which ensures that each and every time we put alcohol into our system, we'll get sick, we'll get drunk, we'll get into all kinds of trouble.  But more importantly we have a mental obsession which ensures that even though we don't want to drink, sooner or later our mind will tell us it's ok, we'll put the alcohol into our system, we'll trigger the physical allergy and we'll get drunk again.
              Dr. Silkworth, the chief medical benefactor of AA suggests that the thought process of the mind has to be transformed.  The thought process of the mind of an alcoholic must have a psychic change, and this change is essential and must be complete.  As Dr. Silkworth states "on the other hand and strange as this may seem, once a psychic change has occurred the very same person who seemed doomed, who has so many problems they despaired of ever solving them is easily able to control their desire for alcohol, the only effort necessary being that required to follow a few simple rules."
             The transformation of thought that is necessary to recover from a seemingly hopeless state of mind and body occurs through the grace of God received by the practice of the Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous.
            Having admitted complete defeat, having admitted to our innermost selves that we are alcoholic, understanding that our human power could not overcome our alcoholism, having begun to trust in God as a solution to our problems we were now at Step Three as "I decided to turn my will and my life over to the care of God." Our will is our thoughts and our life is our behavior as we always think before we act.  "God I offer myself to Thee, to build with me and to do with me as Thou wilt, relieve me of the bondage of self that I may better do thy will.  Take away from me my difficulties so that victory over them will bear witness to Thy power, Thy love and Thy way of life.  May I do Thy will always.
            A simple solution to a complicated and UNIQUE DISEASE            


  1. Somewhere along the way my human nature became the operating force in my life while my spiritual essence was dulled to the point of inaccessibility. My spirit was lost. For me, the psychic change is transformational because only a Power greater than my mind can settle my mind, quiet it and replace it with peace of mind. I cannot be left to my own devices as the result means confusion, fear, hopelessness with nowhere to turn except to me. And I will never find me except through the grace of my Higher Power. As Dr. Silkworth states, this change is essential and it must be complete. Incorporating and practicing The Twelve Steps in my daily life makes this unique transformation possible.

  2. Michael The transformation of thought which has occurred for you and countless other recovered alcoholics is a miracle. We are self absorbed people who are brought to a place where the welfare of others is paramount to our own...Thanks...Armand
