Wednesday, January 29, 2020

No Need To Create A Past

The program of Alcoholics Anonymous has in place the fabric necessary to weave through and heal our character defects - whether they surface in our daily or our spot check inventories.  If and when necessary we use the Ninth Step which is, "Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others."  If we decide that an amend is necessary we immediately make it in an effort to live in the present. Only in the present can we be in the will of God, where His grace saves us from creating another past which we will need to extricate ourselves from. Once performed, we thread into the necessary fabric The Seventh Step, "Humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings."  If our actions cause us to have any shame or guilt, we then use the Fifth Step of the program of Alcoholics Anonymous, "Admitted to God, to ourselves and another human being the exact nature of our wrongs" so that we may be living in the present with a clean slate and a serene mind.
          If we are willing to take our inventories, make our amends, ask God to remove our defects, and share our wrongs with ourselves, God and another human being there will be NO NEED TO CREATE A PAST.  We will have the freedom to exist in the present - in the will of God.

          As alcoholics we have worked hard to free ourselves from our past. If we are willing to weave the program of Alcoholics Anonymous into our lives in such a way that it becomes our life than the creation of a past that, at least subconsciously, is having a negative effect on our present consciousness, will not occur. This is a critical tool in permanent recovery.

Written By Armand


  1. The tools you mention above are all designed to "free" us from our natural instincts, from living in the material world. They are antidotes to resentments, fear and our normal behaviors if left unchecked. The 12 steps as delivered in the Big Book taught me how to change, to be born again. Cooked and simmered over time they eventually become my dominant spiritual instincts that drive my thoughts and behaviors. The 12 steps are the "spiritual tools laid at our feet". The commitment I made in the third step to surrender was really an oath to make the once in a life time mind shift or crossover into the spiritual world.

    1. Jim a life lived in the will of God is the life we were created to live...Thank you...Armand

  2. Armand, From my viewpoint The Twelve Steps are based on Christian Orthodoxy and thus phrases such as God's Will, Belief in God, God Directs my Life become confusing to the non Christian. I am a Christian albeit a mystic Christian so the Christian terminology to me is not off putting. I do think Bill Ws' use of the term Higher Power was a fundamental mistake. I worked my way to an understanding God's will for me -- TO LEAD A LIFE OF GOODNESS AND TO LIVE IN THE SPIRIT.. God's Will for me are the moral and spiritual teachings of Jesus which are best described in Leo Tolstoy's book THE GOSPEL IN BRIEF. Tolstoy was a Christian Mystic. All the Best, John

  3. John thanks for sharing...Armand

  4. Michael C.

    The past was hell. The present is heaven. Where do I want to live, how do I want to live - those are the questions. Through the program of recovery, I know the only place for me is in the very present, free of the burden of defective me. It takes all Twelve Steps to open the daily gates of heaven. But in order to gain admission, I must integrate The Steps as outlined in The Big Book into my life. Thus, I will receive the ultimate present - the present. With no need or desire to return to the fire.

    1. Michael love it "the ultimate present - the present."...Thank you...Armand

  5. Having long been miraculously delivered from a self centered prison of misdirected survival skills that found me at the precipice of an ignominious death, my bow has now been broken and the bent and featherless arrows that once filled my quiver are now willingly abandoned. Yet, even as I passed the pen to the Master Planner of life, the move from prisoner to pilgrim is not always without struggle. Life is not a consistent encounter with rainbows, pixie-dust and unicorns. I still must contend with the ever-present seductions of the world and although now graciously subdued, the ever present calling of the appetites of my flesh. But throughout every encounter His grace abounds. This new life is no longer totally dependent upon me. The eternal struggle is no longer encountered alone and the mystery for managing the transition has now been laid before me with a simple clarity that only comes through an ever expanding relationship with the only true source of Power, Light and Love.

    That divine gift of willingness, that first "grain of a mustard seed of faith," spoken of in Matthew 19-20; is no longer light years away but now grows by every encounter with life's former problems and perplexities into a deep and abiding faith. They become desired gifts from above as they reveal the only true touchstones of faith, love and compassion that grows an unyielding devotion to the Author and Finisher of this new journey into the unspeakable and eternal richness of the mind and plan of God.

    That my mind has been miraculously transformed hit home the other day as my wife and I returned home from vacation. On the last leg of a 1,000 mile road trip we stopped at an obscure service station to refuel and found a wallet with license, half a dozen credit cards and a significant amount of cash. In my former diseased mind I would have, at the very least, kept the cash and left the wallet where found ready to celebrate my good fortune... Instead, our thoughts immediately centered on the owner and his loss. It was late and we were exhausted but tried to find his contact info on our phones to no avail. We took written inventory of the contents and surrendered it the local police who were amazed that the contents were seemingly intact but informed us that rather than contact the owner they would have to wait until he called. After arriving home I determined to spend the next on the web searching for his contact info which I then found in 5 minutes! I relayed the location of his wallet. After he retrieved it, he called back to insist he provide us with a reward. I declined and shared a bit of my “story” with him, and my gratitude for God’s grace towards one such as I; "who once was lost but now am found, was blind but now I see."

    Yes, the Author provides the Holy Spirit who now resides within me. He constantly reminds me of the simple steps that first brought me to this place. He teaches that truth without love is pride and that love without truth is mere sentimentality. That the purpose of this life and all of His creation is an eternal relationship by, with and through Him. When all around seems vexed and troubled. When confusion and conflict abound. He compels the surrender of every encounter within life's lesson plan and gently reminds it has been lovingly written into eternity, just for me, as I continue to discover Him as He truly is. Knowledge of Jesus Christ through the steps is my touchstone to create a new and sanctified past that bears witness not only to the victory over sin and self, but an unmistakable legacy of service and love to all those, known or unknown, that God places in my path.

    A Gratefully Recovering Alcoholic

  6. A Gratefully Recovering Alcoholic by incorporating Prayer and Meditation an alcoholic can have that relationship with God that you articulate so well...Thank you...Armand
