Monday, November 20, 2017

Powerlessness Understood

Once much has been accomplished and an ample portion of the program of Alcoholics Anonymous completed, the personal relationship with and the dependence upon God take on much deeper and all-encompassing meanings.
               In the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous in the chapter "How It Works" it says, "We are in the world to play the role God assigns."  We, who have learned through our experience,  know this can be accomplished through the practice of the Twelve Steps.  Specifically it is in the Tenth Step, through daily examination, through which we uncover our character defects and their continuous manifestation in our behavior. Despite this action and reaction to life not being how and what we want it is still powerfully prevalent.  It is here, in the conflict of not wanting to manifest our character defects in our behavior but POWERLESS over such occurrences that we are thrown back into Step One. There, in the midst of Step One we can see so very clearly how we are not only powerless over our use of alcohol and drugs but powerless over every single aspect of our lives.  We had previously learned at a cognitive level that our lives must be given to the care and direction of God - but now, through our personal experiences, we can perceive this with more clarity and at a much deeper and consequential level.
               It is in the taking of the daily inventory that we begin to fully understand the power and pervasiveness of our character defects encoded into our human nature.  To overcome the manifestation of our character defects in our behavior we must subrogate our human nature and utterly abandon ourselves to the will of God. For it is in the infinite power and love of Him that we are healed.

Written by Armand


  1. Armand,

    The preceding steps have born witness to my birth into a new, personal and eternal relationship with God. I now know His name and my limitations. Having accepted my powerlessness over my own defects of character through step 6, I seek out His power in step 7 with a practiced growing confidence that I can bring anything to His feet with the absolute assurance that He will provide me with all that I need to overcome the inborn defects of my nature and nagging appetites of my flesh. Steps 10 and 11 reflect the inward call and submission to sanctification and discipleship. Having accepted Gods call, His presence compels me to embrace the ongoing death of my old life through the resurrection and renewal of my newfound life in Christ through the continuous flow of the grace that He provides as I place my life at His feet.

    It is a dynamic life and as step 12 makes clear, implies multiplication. Although I once bristled at the mere mention of His name I now fervently seek out the Author and Finisher of my faith for the power to overcome the enemy of my soul. In Romans Chapters 7 and 8, St. Paul, who shared his instant struggles of powerlessness amidst temptation in his own singularly devoted life clearly explains this inward battle and ultimate solution.

    Romans 7:21 " I have discovered this principle of life—that when I want to do what is right, I inevitably do what is wrong. 22 I love God’s law with all my heart. 23 But there is another power* within me that is at war with my mind. This power makes me a slave to the sin that is still within me. 24 Oh, what a miserable person I am! Who will free me from this life that is dominated by sin and death? 25 Thank God! The answer is in Jesus Christ our Lord. So you see how it is: In my mind I really want to obey God’s law, but because of my sinful nature I am a slave to sin. So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus. 2 And because you belong to him, the power of the life giving Spirit has freed you from the power of sin that leads to death."

    It is a miraculously incomprehensible fact that the pure and holy God of all eternity Himself personally reaches out, initiates and finally completes this process to all who are willing to surrender to Him. To Him be the glory forever and ever, Amen...

    A Grateful Recovering Alcoholic

    1. A Gratefully Recovering Alcoholic Step 10 allows me to see my reaction to life and based on that whether I am in my nature or in the will of God...Thank you...Armand

  2. Simple, but not easy. Changing the way we are "wired" with our human instincts mandates a vital spiritual experience is necessary. In my case, it required the shattering of self just long enough to make room for God to touch my heart. Once that door was opened, the Holy Spirit was able to pour into my life and gave me that moment of clarity to see that I was powerless. Powerless. Powerless. It was a rough draft of a tenth step without knowing it. The program of Alcoholics Anonymous then took over and gave me the tools I need to practice these principles in ALL my affairs. Grace.

    1. Jim the solution to our Alcoholism , a vital spiritual experience. We give life to our relationship with God by surrendering our nature to His will...Thank you...Armand

  3. Selfishness self centeredness that we think is the root of our troubles. We had to quit playing God it didn't work. There is another way which the steps lead us to. When I do step 10 And share it with someone else and let God in, the way becomes clear. This is a disease of perception which I have to change and the steps show me what I need to do this day.

  4. Anne. Step 10 allows us to view our reaction to life as it actually is to discover what else I must surrender...Thank you...Armand

  5. To admit complete powerlessness over every single aspect of myself requires not only unaccustomed humility but bedrock honesty. Neither of which I was equipped to possess on my unaided will. To understand my powerlessness, I had to learn to understand me. By incorporating The Twelve Steps into my life in a way that they changed my life, I found my essence - The Power Within me. Power understood, and capable of enabling me to become the person I was born to be.

    1. Michael Thanks for commenting. Happy Thanksgiving...Armand

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