Monday, November 27, 2017

Reliance Not Defiance

     In the Big Book of  Alcoholics Anonymous it says, "When we  encountered A.A., the fallacy of our defiance was revealed.  At no time had we asked what God's will was for us; instead we had been telling Him what it ought to be. No man, we saw, could believe in God and defy Him, too. Belief meant RELIANCE, NOT DEFIANCE. In A.A. we saw the fruits of this belief: men and women spared from alcohol's final catastrophe. We saw them meet and transcend their other pains and trials. We saw them calmly accept impossible situations, seeking neither to run nor to recriminate.  This was not only faith; it was faith that worked under all conditions. We soon concluded that whatever price in humility we must pay, we would pay."
           Reliance upon God is the basis of the program of Alcoholics Anonymous; humility is the key which unlocks the door to the grace of God.  The Twelve Steps of A.A. move us from developing a faith in God to trusting in God and finally a true reliance upon God in every area of our life.  This relationship with Him allows us to transcend the travails of life in such a way that we are not self-centered and caught in our own needs and problems. Rather, we are trusting in the will of God as it unfolds in our life - freeing us to be open to the world around us and sensitive to the needs of others.   

Written by Armand


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    1. A Gratefully Recovering Alcoholic the common characteristic of Alcoholics is defiant individuality. The 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous breaks down our ego as we begin to rely upon God as the solution to our problems...Thank you...Armand

  2. My defiance was so extreme that I was ultimately left with only myself. No one to turn to, carried along by the twin killers of pride and fear, just me and the ever-present bottle. I relied on alcohol to determine my life - simply and exactly that. Having found a new way, I have located what I've always yearned for and needed - reliance! Reliance on The Power Within me to guide me to life through The Twelve Steps of Recovery. The Big Book informs us for the first time that though we had moral convictions and a latent desire for goodness, they were useless unless we put The Steps into action. Today, that reliance is the most certain gift I possess. It is the gift of conscious contact - me and The Power Within me. All that is left is to give it all away.

    1. Michael a reliance upon God is necessary for an alcoholic to recover through the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous...Thank you...Armand

  3. Wrath, greed, sloth, pride, lust, envy and but not least, gluttony. Each represents the essence of unrestrained human nature. All find their foundation in self-worship, none can be abandoned by anything short of a miracle. This is the bucket of muddy water I carried through the doors of AA and were it not for a crippling and overwhelming desperation I would never have crouched to enter through that low and narrow gate.

    Truly, God Himself had been walking beside me all along, even during the most depraved events of my prodigal journey. Loving and reaching out past my every act of unwavering defiance. His only one desire for me? That I surrender to His unspeakable love, accept the price he paid for me and invite Him to dwell within my heart. The 12 Steps and fellowship of AA brought into crystal clarity the faith hope and charity that is the grace of the Eternal Author's gift, freely offered to all who would receive it.

    And having received Him, I have been invited to be a partaker in all that His Presence provides; true love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Yes, just for today, I pray that I will more clearly see His Presence in this world, in circumstances, in people, in the new person He is creating in me and celebrate the new life He is creating in others! Lord, I want to start this day with a pure heart so that I will experience more of the wonder of Your grace and goodness.

    A Gratefully Recovering Alcoholic..

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