The chapter Into Action in the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous states, "we shall be more reconciled with discussing ourselves with another person when we see why we should do so. The best reason first. Time after time newcomers have tried to keep to themselves certain facts about their lives. Trying to avoid the humbling experience, they tried easier methods. Almost invariably they got drunk. Having persevered with the rest of the program, they wondered why they fell. We think the reason is they never completed their housecleaning. They took inventory alright but held onto the worst items in stock. They only thought they had lost their egoism, they only thought they had humbled themselves in the sense we find it necessary until they had told someone all their life story."
All the steps of AA are humbling but none more so than the Fourth and Fifth Steps. To tell someone the deepest, darkest side of ourselves is a very humbling experience. Along with it comes a sense of relief. For maybe the first time in our lives we are free of the shame and guilt that we have carried within ourselves for years. There is a sense of serenity. The Step Book of Alcoholics Anonymous says, "when HUMILITY is combined with SERENITY a great moment is apt to occur," and for me it was the presence of God in my life for the first time since I was a little boy.
If we are willing to do a complete Fourth Step as outlined in the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous followed by a complete and honest Fifth Step, HUMILITY will intersect with SERENITY and we will know a peace that we have never before experienced.
Written by Armand
Serenity intersecting with humility is the object opposite of physical compulsion intersecting with mental obsession. The latter is where I started but through the miraculous process of recovery today I both understand and live in the difference. No question, confronting myself all my attendant horror was unavoidable if I were to recover from the self-loathing spawned by self-centeredness. Then to reveal the compendium of that entirely defective person to another was beyond anything I had ever attempted or accomplished. In doing the Fourth and Fifth Steps with a knowing, caring, like-minded sponsor, I felt a freedom and a strength I'd never before known. From that point on, I was ready to do the work required in the remaining Steps - which is where serenity exists. Humility is the necessary means that makes that possible. The resulting spiritual affluence is no longer a fleeting notion. It is present in me through The Power Within. The more I give away, the closer I possess The Gift that this spiritual intersection presents. It is available to all alcoholics.
ReplyDeleteMichael well said ad always. Knowing and experiencing your journey has been a gift to me beyond telling...Thank you...Armand
DeleteArmand, an incredibly fitting post for me as I continue to delve deeper into my fourth step inventory. I look forward to experiencing the full grace of God in my life and this is an important and timely reminder to ensure that I thoroughly review my defects, being completely honest with myself throughout the process. I cannot thank you enough for your offer to take me through the Big Book and supplementing our work with your posts here, it is truly appreciated. I know that a new freedom, strength, peace and serenity lie ahead!
ReplyDeleteAnonymous one cannot possibly live in the will of God without helping others. The power to do that comes from The Lord...Thank you...Armand
ReplyDeleteAnything less than the "complete surrender" of our personhood, that is, the very seat of our intellect, emotions and spirit to the very Person of God as "suggested" in the 4th and 5th steps will prove to be an absolute exercise in futility. Our failure to do so serves clear notice that we are still under the delusion that we may yet somehow possess the leverage to negotiate the "terms and conditions of our surrender" allowing us to carry on with our lives as though alcohol or any other substance abuse issue was our only problem and were it not for that "daemon rum" life would be just dandy. However, much like a marriage, the purpose of executing these steps in the presence of either an AA sponsor or other spiritual advisor is to have a temporal witness to this deeply spiritual transformation that brings about the birth of a new, eternal and sacred relationship between God, and in my case, man.
As long as this alcoholic entertained any thought or imagining that God wants me to climb back into the drivers seat and direct life's tour would easily come under the definition of insanity and the basic foundation of the mental meanderings of a megalomaniac. It reminds me of the bumper stickers I've seen that say "God is my Co-Pilot"... I want to run up to the driver and fervently encourage them to pry their fingers off the "wheel" and quickly swap seats, for although that type of thinking may provide a form of spiritual walk it completely lacks the internal Power of the Author and Finisher of the journey as we now mistakenly rely upon Him to accomplish our will with His power which He, in His loving mercy, will never allow. He will allow us to continue to experience the frustratingly painful consequences of a counterfeit journey until we finally surrender and place the keys of our lives into His perfectly capable hands. Simply put, This gratefully recovering alcoholic is incapable of personally generating one millivolt of the serenity spoken of in the Big Book. Never could, never will. But God can and will if He is sought.
Serenity, is a gift of God to all who "humble themselves and seek His face and turn from their wicked ways", For then His eyes shall be open and His ears attentive to the prayers of this place. And thus, He says, "I shall grant you a time of refreshment". That, my brother, is serenity.
A Gratefully Recovering Alcoholic.
A Gratefully Recovering Alcoholic. What you described in your wonderful comment is available to all who integrate the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous into their life in such a way that it becomes their life.
Delete..Thank you...Armand
This is the great promise of step 5. The start of my spiritual awakening came with this crucial step. The columns, the life story, the sheets of paper all different ways of completing this step which can be confusing but completing step four as laid out in the Big Book and then sharing it with God and someone else, we know when we have completed the step because of the lightness that comes both during and after the process.
ReplyDeleteAnne Yes, humbling ourselves through the process brings about a sense of serenity...Thank you...Armand