Thursday, January 21, 2016

The Fourth Dimension Of Life

           In the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous it says, "We shall describe some of the states that precede a relapse into drinking, for obviously this is the crux of the problem.  What sort of thinking dominates an alcoholic who repeats time after time the experiment of the first drink.....therefore the main problem of the alcoholic centers in the mind rather than in the body."
                If our thought processes are propelled by the will of God rather than our human instincts we will not drink. Our character defects cannot manifest themselves in our behavior if we are in His will.  Instead, our character has been perfected, as we are now the human being that God created us to be.
                In  THE FOURTH DIMENSION OF LIFE we become a human being that cares about others in such a genuine way. We become a human being that wants to help others.  We think of other's needs before our own.  In the Big Book it states, "Our very lives as ex-problem drinkers depends upon our constant thoughts of others and how we may help meet their needs."
                We benefit in using all tools of recovery but, above all, we must turn from our human nature and live in the will of God. By doing so we will live a human life we could have only imagined we would. We will manifest THE FOURTH DIMENSION OF LIFE - a life free from the bondage of ourselves.        

Written by Armand
Edited by Caitlin Alexandra


  1. I knew there was something else to my life. Something not inhibited by time or space, something not limited by my self-centered and fear-based mind. And there is! There is my spirit. My spirit is the highest version of me. I am not alone in my spirit, I am not confined or restricted. My spirit isn't negative, frightened, or depleted. Instead, I am full and energized and open. My spirit isn't troubled by consequences or results or outcomes. Those things don't exist. My spirit simply loves. It is only through the daily practice of The Twelve Steps that my spirit has been located and then opened. The Power Within me has guided me to my spirit which is everything. I love Bill Wilson's use of the phrase "the fourth dimension." It doesn't explain anything but it gives us a destination if we live in the spirit. Recovery, to me, is the miraculous process whereby we are transported from our human congestion to our spiritual unendingness. I sought the spirit in alcohol and found it in recovery from alcoholism.

  2. Michael the fourth dimension of life is a dimension that our human nature can't possibly bring ud to even if it so desired... Well said...Thanks...Armand

  3. Thank You Thank You Thank You
