Thursday, May 7, 2015

The Eigth Step - Another Chance To Pray For And Forgive

          As I began the fourth step of the program of Alcoholics Anonymous I faced the the four column inventory of my resentments, my fears and my sexual conduct.  My sponsor suggested that I begin TO PRAY FOR AND FORGIVE all of those on all of my lists.  In the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous there is a prayer for each of these lists - three prayers in total.
          The Eighth Step of Alcoholics Anonymous,  "Made a list of all persons we had harmed and became willing to make amends to them all" is yet ANOTHER CHANCE to pray for and forgive all those on my lists and to begin doing the same with any new situations that may arise.  We are already in possession of an Eighth Step list - extracted from our Fourth Step inventory.  As we begin to pray for and forgive we are also indeed making a beginning on Steps Eleven and Twelve.
          Prayer and forgiveness are essential tools if we are to recover from a seemingly hopeless state of mind and body  We learned in the Fourth Step that resentments toward others is the number one offender to a relationship with God, as we are called to love all, although we are never to be accepting of evil.
          The Eighth Step provides for us ANOTHER CHANCE TO PRAY FOR AND TO FORGIVE all those on our lists. This is necessary in order to bring the Spirit into our Ninth Step amends,      


  1. We have been given the Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous through the endless grace God has for us. The steps are a chance at a beautiful life after a hideously empty one. For me, approaching the steps requires my mind to open wider, as wide as my spirit should open in prayer - both to let things out far deep inside it and bring in what knowledge and inspiration I need to transform. I do not approach any step alone, but with Him, as long as my mind and energy bring Him in and hold Him close. Not alone, and with a steady foot, I take the eighth step by settling my mind, bringing those I have harmed to the forefront of it, and blessing them with my prayers and uncorrupt thoughts. If I don't pray for and forgive everyone on the list of importance I will never be fully emptied of my dispirited secret life and the light will be taken over by a crestfallen shadow. I would not be alive if I had not been prayed for and forgiven - it is the least bit a question that I take time to do the same and do it out of selflessness and faith.

  2. Caitlin As an alcoholic forgiveness of others is not an option if we are to recover. The good Lord has forgiven not only the sins I have committed but the sins I have yet to commit. It is with the same Spirit that a recovered alcoholic enters into all human interaction displaying kindness, forgiveness and love. This occurs not through human choice but through the manifestation of the will of God...Especially liked when you wrote "I will never be emptied of my dispirited secret life."...Thank you...Armand

  3. It wasn't that I didn't want to clean up my past, lighten my load or get right with the world. The problem was that I was unaware that that was just the tip of the iceberg. What my soul was yearning for was loving relationships, a seat in the middle of the bus, a less defective me. Outreach to others from the bottom of my heart would, for me, far exceed its benefit for them. I learned that holding a grudge was like holding a drink. I needed to be free of me by giving myself to you and repairing past damages in the process. The Eighth Step is about getting clean under the guidance of The Power Within. It is a Step where I have the opportunity to put humility and love to the test. Practically nothing could be more meaningful or salvific.

  4. Michael the sincerity of an amend equates to the healing that can take place between human beings when one apologizes to another for there behavior with the Spirit of love and forgiveness. In your comment you said the above as such "I needed to be free of me by giving myself to you and repairing past damages in the process."...Thank you...Armand
