Monday, February 18, 2019

To Know Peace

  In Chapter 4 of the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous it says, "...we had to fearlessly face the proposition that God is everything or else He is nothing. God either is, or He isn't. What was our choice to be?"  When I came to the very point in my recovery where I had no desire to turn back to my old life but I was fearful of letting go of my nature (and living in the will of God), the above statement had to be answered.   I may have answered in the affirmative earlier in my recovery but it wasn't until that precise moment that I fully understood what was being asked of me - or rather, required of me.
          If we are to recover from a seemingly hopeless state of mind and body; if we are to be free of  manifesting our human defects in our behavior; if we are to live a life where we are tolerant and loving of all but never accepting of evil, if we are to live a life free from fear, anxiety and anger, if we are to be respected and loved and posses the spirit of charity forgiveness and  joy - not because everything in life is as our human nature thinks it ought to be but because God is with us.  Joy is not the absence of sorrow but the presence of God.
           For the first time in my life I had become fully alive as the Spirit was fully awakened within me. I became and am the human being that God created me to be, maximizing my human potential, free of conflict, and at peace.
           I am aware of what is required of me, and I have answered "Yes, God is everything." What will your answer be?
Written By Armand


  1. I know what absence is. It is the fundamental issue of why I drank and also the primary reason. Despite the love of family and friends, regardless of schooling and religious persuasion, I was alone - not isolated but alone. Alcoholics seemed to understand that in a way that noone else did.. The Big Book teaches us that "sometimes we had to search fearlessly but He was there. We found The Great Reality deep down within is only there that He may be found." That is the central belief in my life today, and its central gift. It took integrating all Twelve Steps into my life in such a way that they became my life for that belief to be sustained and for the gift to be opened. To make it even more present within me, I must freely and joyously give it all away.

    1. Michael as you articulated so well the surrender necessary to recover from a seemingly hopeless state of mind and body must be complete...Thank you...Armand

  2. This human existence is incapable of providing lasting joy in our human lives. With the possible exception of raising our children, which is often the first time we have to put others before ourselves, mostly because of the God given natural human instincts. I am convinced that the life on this life is only temporary and a test for us to see if we can rely solely on God for direction and inspiration. AA gave me the blueprint to follow for the confusion and deception during my journey on earth. The principles and process of AA begins as a way to stop drinking and transforms us into a way of living.

    1. Jim yes the 12 Steps of AA is the track that we must run on if we are to recover from our alcoholism...Thank you...Armand

  3. Armand,

    Thanks so much for sharing.

    For the first 37 years of my life I was the very definition of a shallow "Human Doing” burning my way through an incomprehensible world of mixed messages and shallow promises that proved empty at every turn.. Like a shipwrecked sailer desperately clinging to any floating debris in the aftermath of a tsunami of misspent living, I would not; and more importantly, could not fathom that there is a living and loving God, just beyond my earthly senses, who was patiently and fervently waiting for me to abandon the wreckage and finally reach out to His eternally extended hand. What joy and freedom there is to escape the self imposed prison of a totally me-centered life to that of a true human being, made in the image and likeness of God and dedicated to His eternal plan. There are no words to describe the gift, or convey the experience of the "peace that surpasses all understanding" when one finally, willingly and joyfully agrees to be conformed to His purpose.

    There is no greater gift that can be given than to finally apprehend that the One who pursued me with a love beyond telling and determination that never wavers came for one purpose, "To seek and to save those who are lost," and having been found, that must I also do, as I experience the joy of His presence. The 12 Steps of AA, which inarguably finds its foundation in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, is Gods simple program that opens the door to the immeasurable depth, fullness and light that is... the mind and heart of God. There is, as you have faithfully witnessed, no greater joy nor peace in living.

    A Gratefully Recovering Alcoholic

    1. A Gratefully Recovering Alcoholic the back half of the 11th Step says "praying only for knowledge of. God's will for us and the power to carry it out." The purpose of the 12 Steps is to abandon our nature and to live in the will of God. The answer must be God is everything...Thank you...Armand

  4. Self-reliance has failed me. God is....I cannot be without him. I have to fully surrender, trust and let go of my strong self-will. I have a tight fist and I just need to open it and let go, fully believing that God is within me and is there for me.

    When I am frightened and angry and living in my nature I am distancing myself and have a wall between me, others and God. I have to let go of my plans and designs and quit living in the fear, if I truly believe and trust then I can begin to find peace. I seek God’s Grace to still my mind and open my heart.

    To connect with God and know that he is everything, to be humble and know that I cannot do this on my own and remember I am not alone.

    I give God everything, my nature-my insecurities, fears, doubts, anger, sadness, restless, irritable, discontent, nervous, anxious disposition. I know that God is there, I must be patient, find acceptance and change what I am able. God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change, courage to change the things I can and wisdom to know the difference. Help me to live from my heart, with love and tolerance, compassion, understanding. Allow me to be a loving, present mother and wife. Guide me and show me how to be....

    I am seeking knowledge of God’s will for me and the power to carry it out. Amen.

  5. Jessica Amen...Thank you...Armand
