Monday, May 15, 2017

Discovery Through Inventory

       Our journey through the twelve steps of Alcoholics Anonymous teaches us the value of daily inventory. Much can be discovered and the inner self can be transformed as we move away from the instincts of our human nature and progress into the world of the Spirit. We realize there is no need to wait until the end of each day to perform such an inventory, as we can address the manifestation of our defects as they occur.  The book Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of Alcoholics Anonymous says, "There is the spot check inventory, taken at any time of the day that we find ourselves getting tangled up." This may be as simple as identifying unkind thoughts that we have of people who are not like us in appearance or beliefs, so that we can reveal and deal with the thoughts as they are happening...and not wait until the end of the day to address such things.
          When we have completed the first nine steps of the program of Alcoholics Anonymous we have extricated ourselves from the past and freed ourselves of the shame and guilt we carried for so many years.  By implementing a daily inventory and progressing it steadily into a spot check inventory, we can tackle the manifestation of our character defects as they occur in the present so that in this moment and at this time we are free of the instincts of our human nature and one with God.
          We have unraveled, treated and released our past and are now free of the bondage of self - we are at peace in the will of God.  Discovery through inventory is a crucial tool of recovery, existing so as not to create yet another unpleasant past that we are burdened to carry into the present.

Written by Armand


  1. Step Ten tells us that we have entered the world of the spirit. That, of course, assumes that we have put the required effort into the prior Nine Steps. Once we have entered the world of the spirit, The Big Book states that "our next function is to grow in understanding and effectiveness." We are then cautioned that this "is not an overnight matter. It should continue for a lifetime." My experience is that discovery is, without question, a lifetime matter. As I've discovered life as a sober man, I've concurrently uncovered and discovered that which I've been in search my entire life - me. The quality of my daily life is enlarged and enhanced through daily inventory. As you point out, my instincts, within my human nature, are going nowhere. I must live in the full presence of The Power Within me in order to be at peace. From that platform of peace, I can continue to learn and experience life in a way far more effective than my solely human-directed life will ever yield. Discovery, I've learned, is not serendipity. It is a matter of action in a program of action. Incorporating The Steps into my life until they have changed and become my life is the process I needed to become me. Daily inventory is essential to that ever-growing and always effective process.

    1. Michael inventory and prayer can be experienced in the present when we have incorporated the Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous surrendering our nature to a life in the will of God...Thank you...Armand

  2. Once I completed the first nine steps of our spiritual program, I didn't get a merit badge or diploma, but I did receive a thirst for more. I needed to continue to grow in my sobriety and that is what delivered me to daily inventory and amends, meditation and prayer, and connecting with other alcoholics to share the gift given so freely with me. "Faith without works is dead" is our AA motto. My faith came to me in my brokenness, the last place I thought I would find "the pearl of great price". God is great!

    1. Jim not a good thing, not a bad thing as your "brokenness' led you to a working faith...thank you...Armand

  3. What is Gods perspective on my situation is the question that's answered through doing step 10 and sharing it with another human being. It's the change in perception that happens when working this step which is truly miraculous and clears the. Channel between me and God so I can better do his will and rid myself of the resentment. We have to continue to work the steps in order to get a peaceful life free from the restlessness irritability and discontent that plagued and plagues me as an alcoholic.

    1. Anne love when you wrote 'God's perspective on my situation." It truly takes a humble spirit to seek God's perspective in the present...Thank you...Armand

  4. Bugs in software is how I see "defects". Programmed responses not serving highest good. Patterns in neurology from repeated behavior that need rewiring. For me atleast such metaphors cultivate kinder responses to support growth and flourishing. I've heard kids do better in school when teacher believes in them. This intrinsic sense of worth is important to move forward and as God's kids we are beloved. For years my "defects" took the inventory as opportunity to shame and blame and live out critical parental attitudes. That's counterproductive to growth. I've learned compassion to an extent. Compassion seems to soften hard places and reintroduce Flow.

    1. Spiritual Being taking a daily inventory leading to a spot check inventory helps us understand that we are powerless over our human nature and only by surrendering that nature to the will of God can we be free of our human defects in the present...Thank you...Armand

  5. I saw a book with brain scans of obsessive compulsive people before and after prayer, pausing and breathing. The "hot spots" reduced dramatically.,Most alcoholics are compulsive (even without the drink). The mini inventory spot checks can be just a few deep breaths and intention to connect (bow in humility) to HP.
