Monday, May 16, 2016

To Know Peace

 In Chapter 4 of the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous it says, "...we had to fearlessly face the proposition that God is everything or else He is nothing. God either is, or He isn't. What was our choice to be?"  When I came to the very point in my recovery where I had no desire to turn back to my old life but I was fearful of letting go of my nature (and living in the will of God), the above statement had to be answered.   I may have answered in the affirmative earlier in my recovery but it wasn't until that precise moment that I fully understood what was being asked of me - or rather, required of me.
          If we are to recover from a seemingly hopeless state of mind and body; if we are to be free of  manifesting our human defects in our behavior; if we are to live a life where we are tolerant and loving of all but never accepting of evil, if we are to live a life free from fear, anxiety and anger, if we  are to be respected and loved and posses the spirit of charity forgiveness and  joy - not because everything in life is as our human nature thinks it ought to be but because God is with us.  Joy is not the absence of sorrow but the presence of God.
           For the first time in my life I had become fully alive as the Spirit was fully awakened within me. I became and am the human being that God created me to be, maximizing my human potential, free of conflict, and at peace.
           I am aware of what is required of me, and I have answered "Yes, God is everything." What will your answer be?


  1. The primary question for me was never am I finished with drinking. It was, instead, how do I find peace? And how will that new-found peace reflect and empower my thinking and my behavior. In short, how will Iive to maximum self-worth and effectiveness? The answer is dependent on one simple question - am I "all in?" To be "all in," I learned that I must be "all within." The Power Within me must be the guiding force in all my thinking and in all my actions. Peace is not possible in any other way for me. As Dr. Slikworth stated, this transformation is essential, and it must be complete. Through incorporating all Twelve Steps into my life until they become my life, I am literally "all in." And by being all in, I have come to know The Power Within which is everything. As a result, I have found that peace is the ultimate gift to my mind, and the ultimate purpose of my life. It's all one and I'm all in.

  2. Michael Great psychologists speak of "self actualization' well that is exactly what occurs in manifesting the will of God in our behavior. Along with that comes a peace that we only could have dreamed of...Thank you../.Armand

  3. Intellectually I can grasp God as everything. It makes sense witnessing natures' amazingly intricate ecosystems and synergy, synchronicity in my life if I'm open, and experiencing kindness. Yet, my initial reaction to experiencing a God that is everything is fear. Fear of not being "in control". But, as experience and am aware of Love, Intelligence and Wisdom the part that is scared relaxes. It's kind of like being a kid again. Something bigger and greater than I is at the helm. Opening to the majesty of this .....

  4. Spiritual Being loved when you wrote "something bigger and greater than I is at the helm.' Live there and you will be free of conflict and you will know peace...Thank you...Armand

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