Thursday, January 15, 2015

The Foundation For Progress

                 he Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous states "the idea that somehow, someday, the alcoholic will control their drinking is the great obsession of every abnormal drinker.  The persistence of this illusion is astonishing.  Many pursue it to the gates of insanity and death.  We learned, I through relapse, that we had to fully concede to our innermost self that we are alcoholic...The delusion that we are like other people has to be smashed."
                We learn through the program of Alcoholics Anonymous that we must admit that we are powerless over alcohol  and that our lives are unmanageable. We must concede to our innermost self that we are alcoholic and yes, we must admit complete defeat.
                Once we have done this we than have THE FOUNDATION FOR PROGRESS in the actual program of Alcoholics Anonymous upon which we can build a life, a real life.  A life of contribution that allows us to be who we were created to be, thus restoring our self esteem and allows others to be themselves without judgement on our part  A life that is measured by the love we give away.   


  1. I believe that becoming the persons that we are/were supposed to be in the first pace is the ultimate gift of the program of recovery available to all who come through our doors. The program teaches us that until we can find the humility to accept our devastating weakness and all it's consequences, our sobriety, if any, will be precarious, on thin ice. The innermost concession is the first step in recovery, the first building block in the foundation for progress. This foundation paves the road to a personal relationship with The Power Within, and enables a life that is worth living. What occurs for us in this transformation is the miraculous work of The Twelve Steps of AA. For me, there is and was no other way.

  2. Michael well said, my friend. You are not a miracle but what has occurred for you by the integration of the program of Alcoholics Anonymous into your life in such a way that it has become your life is...Thank you...Armand
