Sunday, May 3, 2020

Am I Entirely Ready

The Sixth Step of Alcoholics Anonymous is, "Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character".  The original draft of the Big Book used the word "willing" instead of the words "entirely ready".  I found it helpful to incorporate both into my Sixth Step, so that I had the willingness to be entirely ready.
           As an alcoholic, giving up control is awkward and strenuous - I would rather apply some sort of cognitive therapy or behavioral modification to control my defects.  But practicing that method is like applying a band-aid to a festering infection, it does nothing.  Control of defects is not the snag, but rather that our human defects are not to exist in our behavior, as it is our defects that are keeping us from the perfection that God seeks in us.  God seeks for us to be the human being that He created us to be, thereby able to maximize our human potential.
           When we are in the will of God our human character defects, which exist only in our human nature, cannot possibly manifest themselves in our behavior.
           Yes, I am willing to be entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character

Written By Armand


  1. In the program of recovery, we learn that this is the Step that separates the men from the boys. I now know that this adage applied to me in the following way: I had to grow up. However, the question was - into what? I had no frame of reference for myself, so I compared myself to others to whom I could never live up. The result was His Majesty, The Baby, I wanted my way at all costs yet I had no idea of what my way was. Today I know exactly what my way is, and I believe that I am a man. I know Michael the Boy very well. He is incomplete, unwhole, wanting, insatiable, and drunk. Michael the Man is reliable, caring, loving, and the architect of my own life through the presence of The Power Within me and the integration of all Twelve Steps into my life in such a way that they have become my life. As a man, I had to become willing to have my defects replaced with assets. And I had to be specific about both those former defects and "in-this-moment" assets. This is possible only with the guidance of The Power Within me and within all of us.

    1. Michael in God's will an alcoholic is incapable of manifesting their human defect. As you say "the guidance of the Power within me."...Thank you...Armand

  2. Armand,

    In Step 5 we have admitted to God that our complete 'bucket list", both checked and unchecked, good and bad was ultimately inspired by a reprobate mind totally immersed in insatiable appetites. Step 6 isn't so much an action that we perform but an out growth and witness to the deep and unspeakable change that has occurred in our heart, mind and spirit during the ongoing revelation of God's presence, mercy and love. The obsession is gone, the prison doors have been opened. Step 6 confirms our abandoned plans as we continue the ongoing surrender of our will and our lives to the One who has all power.

    And, as said in a previous post, "We discover that the heretofore insurmountable and mysterious wall that once concealed the "Simple" in the "Program of AA" has been removed, completely swept away by the unseen Hand of God who created us to experience this very moment and ( in Step 7) many more yet to be discovered.” Almighty God, You have promised that if Your people will humble themselves and pray, You will answer and heal our land. You have called us to be salt in any bland neglect of our spiritual heritage and light in in the darkness of what contradicts Your vision for our lives and our nation. Give us courage to be accountable to You and Your Commandments. Help us to repent of the pride, selfishness and prejudice that so often contradict Your justice and righteousness in our society.

    We all need a great spiritual awakening. May this day be the beginning of that awakening in me and may that hunger for You sweep across this nation and the world.

    A Gratefully Recovering Alcoholic

  3. A Grateful Recovering Alcoholic "the unseen hand of God who created us to experience this very moment." The secret that exists in AA as we attempt to hold onto our human nature...Thank you...Armand

  4. Armand,
    Good morning.
    Sorry I am a day late and a dollar short on my response to your beautiful message on the Sixth Step.
    I was told by one of my sponsors in the beginning that I needed to grow and improve my character.
    To improve my character I first had to be aware of what was defective in my character. That is where it became necessary for a moral inventory and a confession of my sins (Steps 4 & 5). Once that was accomplished, I was "entirely willing" (Step 6) and from that I was able to start to grow and improve many areas of my life. It's not always easy and that's why it is so important for me to ask God for help each day. I know I will never be perfect, but at least I will be able to grow.
    Sid P

  5. Sid surrender is an essential piece of the program...Thank you...Armand
