Monday, October 7, 2019

The 8th Step Another Chance To Pray For And Forgive

As I began the fourth step of the program of Alcoholics Anonymous I faced the four column inventory of my resentments, fears and sexual conduct.  My sponsor suggested that I begin to    pray for and forgive all of those on all of my lists.  In the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous there is a prayer for each of these lists - three prayers in total.
      The Eighth Step of Alcoholics Anonymous, "Made a list of all persons we had harmed and became willing to make amends to them all," is yet another chance to pray for and forgive all those on all of my lists and to begin doing the same with any new situations that may arise.  We are already in possession of an Eighth Step list - extracted from our Fourth Step inventory.  As we begin to pray for and forgive we are also making a beginning on Steps Eleven and Twelve.
       Prayer and forgiveness are essential tools if we are to recover from a seemingly hopeless state of mind and body  We learned in the Fourth Step that resentments toward others is the number one offender to a relationship with God, as we are called to love all, although we are never to be accepting of evil.
       The Eighth Step provides for us ANOTHER CHANCE TO PRAY FOR AND TO FORGIVE all those on our lists. This is necessary in order to bring the Spirit into our Ninth Step amends.     

Written by Armand


  1. Armand, I find it very useful when I have a resentment to use the Emmett Fox Golden Key Prayer. The Golden Key Prayer is available on the internet by just typing in Golden Key Prayer Emmett Fox. "To entertain negative emotions is asking for trouble." Emmett Fox All the Best, John

  2. The Eighth Step is my opportunity to become aware of the damage I've concurrently caused and incurred. Similarly, through the process of praying for and forgiving you, I can optimize the process of praying for and forgiving me. Within this process, it all becomes one. The Eighth Step tells us that defective relationships were the immediate cause of nearly all of our woes, including our alcoholism. Thus, a thorough examination of this Step is bound to yield positive rewards. That primary reward for me is to be able to remain in the presence of The Power Within me. To remain and to exist in self without the self-centeredness that was manifested throughout my alcoholic life. A true gift of The Spirit.

    1. Michael a gift of the Spirit is to be ok with our true self and accepting of others as they are...Thank you...Armand

  3. Armand,

    Having received complete forgiveness at the feet of the Father of Light through Steps 4 and 5 and the impossibility of the unaided removal of the shortcomings inherent in our failed nature except through surrendering of them to God through Steps 6 and 7. We are now in the right spirit to accept the incredible opportunity and gift to become a partaker of the infinite mercy and love that God has, not just for us, but for all of his creation. We ponder the gateway found in the Lords Prayer " And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive others who have trespassed against us."

    We have made a decision to identify and relinquish the primitive survivor skills that we once believed were absolutely necessary to sustain our existence. It is here that we rediscover deeply held resentments we used as justification for misplaced malignant attitudes and actions which must be rooted up and exposed to the continuous cleansing power of Gods Spirit of Light and Love. As we prayerfully continue to review our past encounters we come to understand that many with whom we hold a grudge were merely acting in kind in order to avoid their own desperately perceived fearful demise.

    As we continue to prayerfully plumb the depths of Step Eight we will soon begin to experience true empathy and forgiveness towards those once perceived to be our enemy. As we separate their desperate actions from their wounded personhood we can now pray rightly for them to receive the freedom and peace of an eternal relationship with our, and their, loving Father. Now we become partakers in the ministry of healing that God would provide to others as He seeks to heal the last scars that we, in our selfishness, had carved into the fragile spirits of so many lives. It is in forgiving others as we have been forgiven that we truly begin to apprehend the fullness, depth and all encompassing expanse of God's personnel forgiveness of our sins. It is here that we can begin to share and more deeply experience that all forgiving love that is the essence of Gods Personhood with others.

    A Gratefully Recovering Alcoholic

  4. A Gratefully recovering alcoholic gratitude for the forgiveness of God given to us is the fuel that helps us to want to forgive others...Thank you...Armand

  5. What a great thought... "gratitude for the forgiveness of God given to us is the fuel that helps us want to forgive others." Thank you for that.

  6. Dan you are welcome. Very kind of you....Armand

  7. Armand, Thanks for the "link-ups" from one step to another, Like the 4th Step inventory, and list of those we did not forgive.
    and they did not forgive us..... worst of all, we did not forgive ourselves.. Did we really make the best amends we could?
    It takes time, heart, thought, and a keenest to be able to experience the unknown in these delicate & rough & new ways of
    expressing ourselves with God's love enfolding & protecting us. It sometimes feels like a miracle in our exchange or stillness ------
    Really? We made amends to others in person; or writing to them;:or if they are ill; & died;..Then.we...going to a place of worship -
    or a sacred environment, will allow us time to be with our chosen persons to make amends to ----use of candle; music, reading
    a past correspondence. a photo, will bring about the truth and humility necessary for us to forgive & be forgiven. The blessings already are inside us. I have amends to make to many yet. It is; in time, a way of release & healing for both persons. A way to
    freedom, joy, and more love of oneself, and so many other loving, spirited souls. Pray to God. Irene B. 10/7/2019.
