Monday, December 18, 2017

The Root Of The Problem

It is through all our experience with our character defects that we've realized and recognized, set boundaries and applied cognitive therapy and behavioral modification but all to no avail - using these methods is like applying a band aid to a festering sore. What we really must do is get to the root of the problem. Our character defects exist in our human nature, not in the will of God. Therefore, if we are willing to perform the work necessary for the Spirit to be awakened within us by living in the back half of The Eleventh Step, "Praying only for knowledge of God's will for us and the power to carry that out" (Alcoholics Anonymous) , our character defects will not and cannot possibly manifest in our behaviors. The power to carry out such knowledge must come from God, as our human nature will only try to sustain our selfish desires. Once we have taken this step we have pulled the root of the problem from it's poisonous soils.
          Some of us have learned through our experiences that we must do this - turn from our human nature and live in the will of God - if our character defects are not to exist in our behavior. Many of us have not.  In Alcoholics Anonymous it is often said, "Let go and let God."  The "let go" part is in the letting go of our thought process propelled by our human instincts. The "let God" part is thereafter, in which we surrender to the idea that God will propel our thought process through His inspiration.  Inspiration is defined as "the thoughts of God implanted in the mind and soul of man."  When this transformation of thought has occurred, the root of the problem has truly been healed.         
 Written by Armand


  1. Maintaining honesty is a key fruit of prayer and meditation for living in the will of God. But with honesty comes the question of how and when to be honest. Jimmy G. used to say about being honest, "It must be the truth, it must be delivered in a kind way, and it must be necessary to say." I loved that wisdom. As you said so very well, that wisdom comes to me only because the 11th step tells me that is the way I need to receive it.

    1. Jim living in the will of God allows us as human beings to tap into the source of all wisdom...Thank you...Armand

  2. Seeking surrender, to move out of defects which block me into the letting go and having God propel my thought process, finding serenity and peace, having the root of the problem within me healed.

    1. Jessica welome. The solution not only to our alcoholism but also all of our problems in life is a vital spiritual experience. There we cannot possibly manifest our charactre defects...Thank you so much...Armand

  3. Defects analogus to bugs in a software program. Yet as we are biological physiological organisms the "tracks" laid down thru repetitive thought/actions are significant. See it as nurturing deficits rather than nature. Although perhaps in born narcissists it is nature.

    1. Spiritual Being thank you for your thoughts...Armand

  4. As a defective human being, especially when infused with alcohol, every decision I made, every relationship I had, every thought I thought - all were insidiously defective. My life was, as you say, a barely bandaged festering sore. In the program of recovery as iterated in The Big Book, I learned that I had to let go completely, that I had to start all over. The root was the problem. Thus, this root had to be dug out through the program of action, and replaced with a newly awakened spiritual essence available only through Very glad you could make and pleased to meet Dani-?sp. we are enjoying ourselves. See you soon. the presence of The Power Within me. Incorporating all Twelve Steps into my life in a way that they became my life transformed the root of the problem into the root of the solution. That is my experience - simple but not easy.

  5. Michael yes, the source of what propelled our thought process must change and the Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous will bring that about...Thank you...Armand

  6. As I've written many times, The root of the problem is was and always will be my unwillingness to answer the clear clarion call of God. This is the universal struggle even the most immature mind can comprehend for His call is unmistakable. His will for the day is always above my understanding and always requires His power to accomplish. He never reveals the end from the beginning for the challenges are more than sufficient just for that day. If I am obedient in the moment and not fear that the "consequences" of my decisions may result in the "perceived loss" of what lies ahead in the unseen future, I will discover the blessing, deepen my faith and experience the true joy and freedom in life that can be apprehended in no other way. Living this life on the surface of the pond is an empty false flag adventure at best. A finite illusion of the infinite reality that can only be experienced with the True Guide and Lover of our souls. Having been dashed on the rocks too many times to count I have abandoned my swim up the rapids. For by His grace and mercy I am discovering the only Fountain of Life that leads to the ocean of love that is the essence of His being...

    A Gratefully Recovering Alcoholic

    1. a Grateful Recovering Alcoholic So well said my friend...Thank you...Armand
